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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Problems with Water Bottle The threeTypes of Plastics Water Bottle Impacts Human Impacts Animals Impacts plastic bags often end up at the bottom of the ocean, and in the stomachs of a variety of animal species that mistake them for food. Plastic bottles contain Bisphenol A (BPA), the chemical used to make the plastic hard and clear. BPA is an endocrine disruptor which has been proven to be hazardous to human health. Enviromental Impacts Its harder to recycle plastic bottles than you think. Of the mass numbers of plastic bottles consumed throughout the world, most of them are not recycled because only certain types of plastic bottles can be recycled by certain municipalities. They either end up lying stagnant in landfills, leaching dangerous chemicals into the ground, or they infiltrate our streets as litter. They are found on sidewalks, in parks, front yards and rivers, and even if you chop them into tiny pieces they still take more than a human lifetime to decompose. What We Can Do 1,500 plastic water bottles are consumed every second. 60 millions of water bottle are used everyday is the U.SWe consume 53 billion gallons of water globally. It has been strongly linked to a host of health problems including certain types of cancer, neurological difficulties, early puberty in girls, reduced fertility in women, premature labour, and defects in newborn babies to name a few examples. Out of the 50 billion bottles of water being bought each year, 80% end up in a landfill, even though recycling programs exist. In the U.S., 1,500 plastic water bottles are consumed every second.Americans consume 8.6 billion gallons of bottled water annually.Out of the 50 billion bottles of water being bought each year, 80% end up in a landfill, even though recycling programs exist. We can reduce,reuse and recycle the water bottles.we can also drink with a glass cup instead of a water bottleand we can put every water bottle in to the recycle cans for recycle.
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