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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Eniko Csatlosova (Slovakia) Learn more about me BA (hons) in Finance and Accounting (by Oxford Brookes University and International Business School Budapest) Educational Background International Experience SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis Exercise Strenght Communication and customer focus skillsAnalytic skillsTeam working skillsOpen mindedness, adaptability Flexibility to mobilize MultilingualismQuick learningPotential leadership skillsPlanning/time management skillsInnovation and creativity Weakness ProcrastinationLack of leadership experienceBeing too honest Opportunity Threat The finance and accounting field provide wide range of career opportunitiesAdvancement in my field trough training or obtaining a master degreeStrong networkGreater self knowledge by attending language or other courses Competition from other applicantsFailing to receive a 1:1 or 2:1 degree Negative trends in the accounting or financial fields Why would I be a a good fit for the position I would be a perfect fit for the graduate program because I am hardworking, flexible, adaptable and dedicated to my job as well as to my studies. I can easily handle stress and get along with new people in different environments. Moreover, I have related experience in finance and tourism, where my communications skills, problem solving skills, creativeness, attention to details and analytical skills were my strengths. During my placement year both of the companies I worked for were delighted with my work and gradually gave me more responsibilities.I love working in travel and tourism industry and am excited to learn and get experience in every way possible. Becoming a part of successful organization would be a huge opportunity. Examples of my strengths in the SWOT analyses Communication and customer focus skills, analytic skills, team working skills: During my placement my daily tasks included collection. My responsibility was to contact customers with overdue invoices via phone or e-mail in the EMEA region and found out whether there is any issue with the invoice, delivery or payment and solve the issues with the help of the customer service team. With some of the key customers I needed to be in contact daily, my communication with the customer needed to be professional but still effective. Some of the cases I was dealing with were complex and included managers, customer service, different customers or financial analysts. Most of the Spanish speaking customers sought my help in case they had any concerns and also the customer service team they all were delighted with my work. Within my team my colleagues gradually gave me more responsibilities, I was working on a project which was aimed to improve certain processes. As required by the school my supervisor needed to give a feedback, it included that I gained a whole trust of my team, I was very easy to work with and that I was very professional at my job. My second internship was in revenue management, where my most of the tasks included calculations. My daily tasks involved different reports which were presented to the director and the management team of the hotel. The reports had to be correct at all times, moreover I was working with my manager on pricing, budgeting or forecasting files. During the 4 months of the internship my analytical skills and attention to details were the most essential. Communication and customer focus skills, analytic skills, team working skills: During my placement my daily tasks included collection. My responsibility was to contact customers with overdue invoices via phone or e-mail in the EMEA region and found out whether there is any issue with the invoice, delivery or payment and solve the issues with the help of the customer service team. With some of the key customers I needed to be in contact daily, my communication with the customer needed to be professional but still effective. Some of the cases I was dealing with were complex and included managers, customer service, different customers or financial analysts. Most of the Spanish speaking customers sought my help in case they had any issues and also the customer service team they all were delighted with my work. Within my team my colleagues gradually gave me more responsibilities, I was working on a project which was aimed to improve certain processes. As required by the school my supervisor needed to give a feedback, it included that I gained a whole of my team, I was very easy to work with and that I was very professional at my job. My second internship was in revenue management, where my most of the tasks included calculations. My daily tasks involved different reports which were presented to the director and the management team of the hotel. The reports had to be correct at all times, moreover I was working with my manager on pricing, budgeting or forecasting files.During the 4 months of the internship my analytical skills and attention to details were the most essential. Flexibility to mobilize, adaptability, open mindedness:During the last 4 years I have been living in different places which I found very interesting, challenging and I am excited to graduate and be able to live and explore new countries and places. Before starting my university I spent 4 months in Bournemouth in order to improve my English. My university is based in Budapest where I spend my first years of studies. In the second year I decided to go on an exchange program to Turku, Finland where I spent 5 months. The first semester of my 4th year of studies I spent in Oxford. During my 4 year of studies, I met lot of international people and made friends from around the world. The first time I went abroad I found it very difficult and even a bit scary to be alone abroad with no family and friends around. However, the second time I went abroad it was more a challenge and excitement. I believe I can live anywhere, as I can find the nice partof any place. Moreover, I like doing sports and also learning languages and I am very open minded which makes it easy to find friends and make out the best of an opportunity. Multilingualism, quick learning:I grew up speaking both Slovakian and Hungarian, from the primary school we needed to learn two foreign languages, I chose English and German. During my high school I was dedicated to learn English therefore I spent time in UK working and studying in order to improve my English. I decided to study in English language and also started taking Spanish classes at Cervantes Institution. Currently, I am taking the upper intermediate level courses, and I am devoted to improve my Spanish to an advancedlevel. I am very interested in languages and would like to learn more languages in the future. Moreover, I am a very quick learner and I have good memorizing skills, which makes either the school or the workplace tasks less difficult. Potential leadership skills, planning/time management skills:As I described in the Weakness part I lack of leadership skills. However, during my studies especially in Budapest we had group work for almost every subject. Especially in my second and my last year I was the group leader in many cases. On my exchange program in England I needed to fulfill 7 subjects and additionally submit my dissertation proposal. The deadlines for the assignments were almost at the same time therefore I managed to be the leader of the teams, organizing the meetings and deciding which task would be completed by whom. With help of my time management, planning and certain leadership skills I could manage to successfully fulfill all my modules. Innovation and creativity: During both of my internships I was encouraged to use my creativity in order to improve business processes. For example, after being recruited by the hotel for revenue management one of my daily tasks included a presentation of the revenue from previous day to the sales team compared with the last year’s results. The basic idea was good as it gave some overview for the sales team, however, the information was not very useful for them on the whole. After some time when I was more familiar with the processes I suggested to change it and present the numbers compared to the current year’s budget and also the number which should be still achieved by the team until the end of a month. Under the supervision of my manager we changed the presentation and the sales team did find it very helpful. Moreover, in my second internship there were projects for improving some of the processes, I was part of one project, I ended up being the one trying and suggesting improvements for the new software. The innovation and creativity were essential for being effective in improving the described business processes. I believe that thinking out of box is very important in every sector. Examples of my weaknesses in the SWOT analysis Procrastination:In cases I can easily get bored with routine work or certain administrative work and try to postpone them. Moreover, during my studies I had some tasks which I tried to delay especially when I find the task to be uninteresting. The way which worked in these situations was to plan when I would do these tasks and just do it. For example, in case when I had to fill in a report daily with my tasks for that day, I decided that I would do it daily make a little note and not leave work without it. In the beginning I was not aware of this task and I had to fill it in for 2 weeks and it was difficult to recall what I was doing exactly that specific day. Moreover, during my internship when I was substituting my colleagues I spent almost the all day doing cash application, which means sitting in front of the computer, communicating to no one just doing the same routine work all over again. Lack of leadership skills: I have no relevant managerial or leadership skills, however, in the near future I would like to change that and I am positive that I have the potential skills for that type of jobs. Being too honest:One of my weak personal characteristics is that I am too honest and open which made me problems in the past as some of my more sensitive friends found my honest answers harsh. I worked on it and now I first think about what I going to say to a person and if it is appropriate. However, I still believe honesty is important as much in the personal life as in the workplace.
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