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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Unit 7 Explicit-Memory System The Frontal Lobes and Hippocampus As with perception, language, emotion, and much more, memory requires brain networks. The network that processes and stores your explicit memories for facts and episodes includes your frontal lobes and hippocampus. When you summon up a mental encore of a past experience, many brain regions send input to your frontal lobes for working memory processing. The left and right frontal lobes process different types of memories. Recalling a password and holding it in working memory, for example, would activate the left frontal lobe. Calling up a visual party scene would more likely activate the right frontal lobe. Cognitive neuroscientists have found that the HIPPOCAMPUS, a temporal-lobe neural center located in the limbic system, is the brain's equivalent of a "save" button for explicit memories. Brain scans and autopsies of people who had amnesia (memory loss) have revealed that new explicit memories of names, images, and events are laid down via the hippocampus. Implicit-Memory System The Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia The cerebellum plays a key role in forming and storing the implicit memories created by classical conditioning. With a damaged cerebellum, people cannot develop certain conditioned reflexes, such as associating a tone with an impending puff of air - and thus do not blink in anticipation of the puff. When researchers surgically disrupted the function of different pathways in the cerebellum of rabbits, the rabbits became unable to learn a conditioned eyeblink response. Implicit memory formation needs the cerebellum. The basal ganglia, deep brain structures involved in motor movement, facilitate formation of our procedural learning. Forgetting Forgetting information is actually a way that our mind protects us. Those who can remember everything typically have trouble thinking abstractly - generalizing, organizing, evaluating. They are good at reciting information but not actually understanding it. It can also be mentally overwhelming. Retrograde vs. Anterograde Amnesia Retrograde Amnesia Not remembering things in the past. Anterograde Amnesia Not remembering any new information Thinking and Concepts Cognition The mental activities associated with thinking, knowing,remembering, and communicating information - by appreciating our human smarts. Prototypes A mental image of best example of a category. Divergent & Convergent Problem Solving Divergent Thinking creative Convergent The ability to produce novel and valuable ideas
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