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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 LEVELS OF ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIC COMPLIANCE The Pathological Classroom The stakeholder refuses to do the work, acts in ways to disrupt others, or substitutes tasks and activities to which he or she is committed. Stakeholder develops poor workhabits and may exhibit negative attitudes towards leadership. The task has little inherent or direct value to the stakeholder, but the stakeholder associates it with outcomes or results that do have value (such as financial incentives). Stakeholder will abandon work if extrinsic goals are not realized and will not retain what is learned. The stakeholder is disengaged from the task and does not attempt to comply with its demands, but does not try to disrupt the work or substitute other activities for it. Adapted from Phillip Schletchy's research on the five ways that students respond or adapt to school-related tasks and activities. ENGAGEMENT RETREATISM The stakeholder is willing to expend whatever effort is needed to avoid negative consequences. The emphasis is on meeting the minimum requirements. The stakeholder will perform at low and superficial levels. RITUAL COMPLIANCE REBELLION The Highy Enagaged Classroom The Well Managed Classroom HIGH ATTENTION - LOW COMMITTMENT The stakeholder associates the task with a result or product that has meaning and value for the stakeholder. The stakeholder will persist in the face of difficulty andwill perform at high and profound levels. HIGH ATTENTION - HIGH COMMITTMENT DIVERTED ATTENTION - NO COMMITTMENT LOW ATTENTION - LOW COMMITTMENT NO ATTENTION - NO COMMITTMENT
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