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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill Becomes Law: the Technical Process 1st Reading Senate House of Representatives In this step, the bill is introduce by the sponsor or creator. Super-Sorter Sent to Standing Committee Committees serve as a sorting function and have three main options: pigeonhole, kill, pass. 90% of the work is done here 90% of all bills die Storage A pigeonhole keeps the bill in the committee Passing bills leave with a "Pass" or a rare "Do not pass"recommendation Organizer House Only Rules Committee Composed of House leadership. Known as the "Traffic Cop" because it controls the flow ofthe bills and house rules. Exclusive to the House because the House does not have rules stated in the Constitution SCAN-TRON 1000 2nd Reading Because months have passed until this step, the bills are read once again to refresh the memory. Scan-Tron 2000 Scan-Tron 3000 3rd Reading Debate on the bill finally opens with the sponsor.Filibustering is allowed but only in the Senate. Rules of Debate Debaters must stand. They may start debate after being recognized and given the floor by the chair.Debaters must staystanding during the entirety of debate. The floor can be givento someone else by the debater. A Filibuster is an endless debate used by the minority party to stall the vote on a bill. Only aa 3/5 Voteof Cloture can stop it Establisher Vote on the Bill Vote uses simple majority 50% +1. A majority of the senators must be present.A quorum call can be used to bring them in. Bill can pass or die. Teleporter Sent to Other Chamber This shows checks and balances.Prevents one chamber from beingmore powerful than the other bymaking sure everyone agrees withthe bill. Steps are repeated. Teleporter Bills concerning changes in spending start here. The bills are put into a hopper 2X Mitigater 9000 Conference Committee Sent here to iron out differences.Different rules added to the billin each chamber have to be changed and made identical. A Conference Committeeis a temporary committee containing members of both chambers Sent to the President After the bill is compromised, It is sent to the president. ThePresident has four options. Sign itVeto itPocket VetoHold it Becomes lawDiesAfter ten days of no signature Congress adjourns and bill diesDoesn't sign itwithin ten days becomes law Individual Senators stand and read the bills
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