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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Top 10 Cinder Cone Volcanoes 1. 9. 8. 5. 4. 10. 2. Auquihuato, Cerro Andahua Orcopampa 3. Michoacan Guanajuato Kabargin Oth Group Paracutin 6. Royal Society Range 7. Ankaizina Field Gordon Ankaratra Field Mascota Volc Field The volcanic field is known for its unusual diversity of volcanic rocks. It contains the Earth's youngest known minettes (70-80,000 years old). Minettes are a variety of igneous rock with phenocrysts of biotite, and with or without phenocrysts of hornblende, augite with a high diopside content, and olivine. Activity at the Ankaratra volcanic massif took place from the Miocene until the very recent Quaternary (Besairie, 1973). Gordon erupted a significant volume of basaltic lava flows (Richter and Smith, 1976). The Ankaizina volcanic field, covering portions of the Tsaratanana and Ambondrona massifs in northern Madagascar, was active until the very recent Quaternary. A large number of basaltic cinder cones and lava flows are located in the Royal Society Range of southern Victoria Land. Parícutin is in the Mexican state of Michoacán, close to a lava-covered village of the same name. Kabargin Oth Group last erupted 10,000 years ago. Michoacán Guanajuato is surrounded by numerous shield volcanoes and maars. Eruptions and lava flows of the Andahua Orcopampa volcano have destroyed buildings from the time of the Incas, and there were uncertain reports of activity in 1913. Satellite images of Auquihuato Cerro show a young lava flow with prominent channel structures.
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