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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 In the story of JuliusCaesar,the people ofRome and Brutusare impressionable.Caesar however, is not. In the story of JuliusCaesar,the people ofRome and Brutusare impressionable.Caesar however, is not. The people of Rome change their opinionon the ruler of theircountry constantly. Brutus isconvinced tojoin the conspiracyagainst Caesardespite his concernsand doubts. No matter howhard someonetries to changeCaesar's mind,it cannot be done. At the beginning of the story, the people are in love with Caesar, their new ruler, even though they had loved Pompey. When Caesar is murdered, the people start to praise Brutus and forget about Caesar. However the people all loved Caesar an hour ago. Example Explanation Explanation Explanation Example Quote "And do you nowstrew flowers inhis way that comesin triumph over Pompey's blood?"(Shakespeare1.1.55-56) Example Calpurnia tries toconvince Caesarto not go to theSenate one daybecause she is worried about hissafety,but Caesar refuses. Quote Picture At first Brutus is not sure what to think about Caesar, since he loves him, but he doesn't want him to be king.However, Cassius uses many different techniquesto make Brutus join theconspiracy. Example Example In the beginning of thestory, a soothsayertries to warn Caesarabout the Ides ofMarch, but Caesardoesn't think anything of it. "Beware the Idesof March""He is a dreamer.Let us leave him.Pass!" (Shakespeare 1.2.25-26) Quote "Than that poor Brutus, with himself at war, forgets the show of love to other men." (Shakespeare 1.2 52-53) Picture Picture Picture Picture "What mean you,Caesar? think youwalk forth? Youshall not stir outof your house to-day""Caesar shall forth:the things thatthreaten'd me"(Shakespeare 2.2.8-10) Quote By Matt Haagand Megan Garrett
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