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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Green Building Projects Website Sidebar Green Building Technologies in Asia 2000- 2006: Asia Embraces Green Building Technology Firefox Name Footer Body Notes How it Started Header The energy crisis of 1973 comes as a shock to resource poor countries like Japan. Japan respondsby becoming the first country in Asia to actively pursue green energy and technology solutions.In 1975, the Panasonic Corporation begins research and development of amorphous solar cells. By 1997, mass production of Panasonic's HIT solar photovoltaic panels is underway. Chrome China 2006: the MOC (Ministry of Commerce) unveils the Evaluation Standard for Green Building Indonesia 2006: Green Energy Policy is introduced to reduce consumption by 15 to 30 percent. National energy policy enforced by Presidential decree No. 5 of 2006. Singapore 2005: Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA) unveils Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC). Green Markcertification and awards program soon follows. During 9th Malaysia Plan Period (2006-2010), implementation of energy-efficiency programs took centre stage, originally targeting lighting and air conditioning. Malaysia Asian Green Building Projects 2009: Foundation for Allianz Tower laid in Jakarta Indonesia. Completed in 2011, it is one of several new large-scale green developments in and around Jakarta. 2011: Plan for Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town (FSST) near Tokyo unveiled by Panasonic and eight other participating companies. On 27 November 2014, FSST goes into full scale operation 2009: The Energy Commission Diamond Building in Putrajaya, Malaysia is completed. The building earned Platinum ratings under Malaysia's Green Building Index (GBI) and Singapore's Green Mark program. 2012: National University of Singapore wins Green Mark Champion Award. By 2014, six architectural and engineering firms have been awarded the Gold Plus or Platinum level Green Mark certification for 25 or more projects. 2005: An eight-story office tower becomes the first internationally certified green building in China. Since becoming operational, the building has used 73 percent less energy and 60 percent less water than a conventional office. The building is currently home to two government policy agencies that are part of China's Ministry of Science and Technology. 2005: An office building that houses agencies of China's Ministry of Science and Technology becomes the first internationally certified green building in China. The building uses73 percent less energy and 60 percent less water than a conventional office.
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