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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Fact 1: vaccination confers immunity against disease.Fact 2: Vaccines were discovered by an english physician,Edward Jenner A vaccine is a substance that is used toproduce immunity from a disease andcan be operated through needleinjections,by mouth and by aerosol. Who Should get vaccinated? A vaccine contains a weakened partof a germ that is responsible for infection.When the germ has beenkilled before it is used to make thevaccine it cannot make the person sick. Whena person receives a vaccinethe body responds by making antibodies. These guyshelp to kill off the germsthat enter the body. Inother words vaccine exposepeople safely to germs, sothat they are protected from the disease andnot come down with thedisease. Why are vaccines important? Ingredients of vaccines If for some reason some people who are allergic to eggs or anyof the ingredients that a vaccine includes. Shouldtalk to the doctor. What are some diseases that require vaccines? Some ingredients may includea suspending fluid (sterile watersaline, or fluids that have protein).Others include preservatives andstabilizers. These wouldhelp improve the vaccine's effectiveness. How do vaccines work? How do vaccines work? what are vaccines? Who should not get vaccinated? Immunizations can save yourchild's lifeprotect future generations Everyone aged 6 months and older are recommended forannual vaccination. To prevent future bacteria,viruses or diseases. Some diseases that need ofa vaccine are the following:SmallpoxDiphtheriaTetanusPolioMeasles By: Kathleen Velesaca
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