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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Is this New Work Order Does it prevent a large number of users at working? When was last timeyou gave end userstatus update? Send user a Update More then Three Days Less then Three Days Does it require aPart you have to Order? Check status of Part IS ths Issue Older then two weeks? Handle the ProblemNow its been too Long. Confirm there is a plan to resolve the issue.Dont let it hang around Yes Stop what you are working and address the issue Rank1 No Is the person whosubmitted the ticketin an administrative role? Yes Stop what you are working and address the issue Rank2 No Is the solution something that can be handled through email? Yes Does "a how to" article exist? No Yes Respond to the user withThe time taken to create "a how to" that can be used in future. Rank 3 Respond to the userwith the solution and link to the "how to article". Rank 3 No is solution a "hands off"fix such as a virus scan or re-image? Yes No Start the process thenhandle the other issue while it runs. Rank 4 Does the solution requiresless then 20 minutes to resolve ? Yes Make time to handle these. Rank 5 No Have a conversation withuser to better understand the issue.. is there anyurgency or deadline on this? Yes No Block out the time inthe schedule to get thiscomplete at last 7 days before deadline. Rank 6 Schedule this for when you have time.Don't let it linger through. Rank 7 Yes No No No Yes KeyRank1- immediatelyRank2- immediatelyRank3- Quick fix,how toRank4- Scan,Not time consumingRank5- Common problems (Bulk)Rank6- Time consuming, HigherRank7 Time consuming, Lower
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