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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 6 habits Its no question that sleep affects workplace performance and productivity, but the lack of sleep over time has been associated with anxiety, depression, and a shortened life span. Get back on track this new year with a healthy sleep schedule! workers who report not getting adequate sleep say that sleepiness affects their work. 3 out of 4 that willput youstraight tosleep 10 days without sleep can kill you! Sleep deprivation can also Drowsy driving is responsible for 20% of all motor vehicle crashes Slow down your reaction time and make you less alert People getting less than 6 hours of sleep at night face 30% greater risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease Reduce your susceptibility to illness Vaccines and antibiotics are not as effective when you get sick Make concentrating, solving problems, and taking decisions harder; turn you irritable and difficult to get along with 1. Pick a time to go to bed and wake up Stick to it, even on weekends. Bedtimes arent just for children. They condition your mind to recognise that it is time for you to start unwinding and relaxing. 2. Give yourself a tech curfew Even better, move your electronic devices out of sight altogether. Gadgets emit blue light, which delays the production of melatonin, the sleep-wake cycle hormone. Reading, on the other hand, helps facilitate sleep by forcing you to detach yourself from electronics - items designed to keep the mind visually stimulated - and into a relaxed activity. A lot of people watch TV to wind down for sleep. However, watching TV before bedtime encourages you to stay up later, harming the sleep cycle. For a change, listen to something that helps you relax (hint: binaural beats or Sigur Ros.) 3. Make sure youre absolutely comfy Only 8% of people practice this, but the best way to sleep is on your backbecause its puts your head, neck and spine in a neutral position. Considerreplacing your mattress and pillows with new ones that provide proper support for your back and neck. The best temperature to keep your room at when you go to bed is between 15 and 23ºC, because your body temperature naturally drops when you start to nod off. 4. Watch your nightly eating habits Lay off coffee and chocolate at least 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant that can block sleep neurotransmitters, causing insomnia. So is nicotine. Try herbal teas, which have a sedative effect, such chamomile. Spicy foods can also keep you up by causing heartburn and indigestion. Snack on foods that contain tryptophan, for example, yogurt, milk, bananas and eggs. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps produce serotonin, which in turn makes melatonin. 5. Bust a move Do some light stretches right before bed to loosen up and remove bodily tensions. Another option is to contract and release all the major muscles in your body. Start by tensing up your toes, then the muscles in your feet,moving up to your legs, arms, and finishing on your neck. Strenuous exercise, however, should be avoided within 3 hours of bedtime. 6. Don't hit snooze The extra sleep you get after waking up once already is fragmented, making it low quality. You also prepare the body for a new sleep cycle that you wont have time to finish, resulting in fatigue throughout the day. Set your alarm for when you actually need to get up. Try to set it for the same time every day. This regularity will hopefully lead to you waking up on your own. Only mutants do well on only 6 hours of sleep Increase the risk for developing serious medical conditions because of a gene that appears inonly 3% of the population. Everyone else between the ages of 19 and 55 needs 8 hours of sleep. So clock in your sleep debt and be on top of your game!
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