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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 My Foot Prints and what I can do! My Foot Prints and what I can do! Services 41% Goods 16% Shelter 13% Food 24% Mobility 6% Based on my global footprint, if everyone lived like me, it would take 5.6 earths to provide enough resources! If everyone lived thesame way I did, it wouldtake 24.7 global acres inorder to support the lifestyle! But what could I do to help? But what could I do to help? If I cut back on the amount of animal products I ate: 1. Americans would use645 million less globalacres 2. We would only need 5.1 planet earths to be supported as opposed to 5.6 3. We would save enoughAcres to cover 484 millionfootball fields! My Water Footprint: In my home, I use about 64 gallons of water a day. The American average is 100 Gallons For cooking, my family uses about 1,045 gallons of water a day. The American average is 1,056 gallons a day. My family uses 1,141 gallons of water a day for energy. The American average is 700 gallons a day. My family uses 176 gallons of water a day on everyday stuff.The American average is 232 gallons a day. My family uses an average of 2,426 gallons of water a day on all things.The American average is 2,088 gallons a day. What can I do to help? double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. 1. If I reduced the amount of water I use for my home and yard... I would reduce the amount of water used to only 51 gallons(reducing it by 13 gallons!) 2. If I reduced the amount of waterused for my diet... My Footprint: I would be able to reduce theamount of water to 871 gallons(reducing it by 174 gallons!) 3. If I reduced the amount of water I used for energy... I would be able to reduce theamount of water to 828 gallons(reducing it by 313 gallons!) 4. If I reduced the amount of water I used for every day stuff... I would be able to reduce theamount of water to 76 gallons(reducing it by 100 gallons!) My Carbon Footprint: Home Energy 57% Food & Diet 25% Home Energy 37% Food & Diet 15% Driving & Flying 11% Recycling & Waste 7% Driving & Flying 44% Recycling & Waste 4% My Behavior Breakdown Average American Behavior Breakdown My greenhouse emissions average at about 16 tons of CO2a year The average Americanemits 27 tons of CO2a year What can I do to help? Support projects that protect forests, improve forest management, or plant new trees 1. Nature Conservancy 2. Monthly Commitment 3. Raise Awareness Donations can help with the conservation of ourenvironment which can offset your emissions Raising awareness canhelp people see the trueproblem and maybe helpto try to solve these problems.
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