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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 WHAT IS IT? Men:Women: = 1 million women Support Organizations: Diabetes among people aged 20 years or older,United States, 2012 Signs & Symptoms: There is no cure for T1D Type 1 diabetes occurs in 10 to 20 per 100,000 people per year in the United States. Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age. It is most oftendiagnosed in children, adolescents, or young adults. There is no proven causehowever researchers believethe disease develops when avirus or environmental toxindamages the pancreas orcauses the body's immunesystem to attack the beta cells of the pancreas knownas an autoimmune reaction.Therefore, the beta cells of thepancreas can no longerproduce enough insulin. Deep, rapid breathingDry skin and mouthFlushed faceFruity breath odorNausea or vomiting;inability to keep down fluidsStomach painSudden weight lossSugar in the urineIncreased appetiteSudden vision changes DIABETES TYPE 1 = 1 million men The Discovery Diabetes type 1 is a disease caused by thepancreas not producing any insulin. Insulin isa hormone that aids us in controlling theglucose/sugar levels in our blood. If anindividual does not have any insulin, the glucosebuilds up in the blood, rather than being used forenergy. Canadian Diabetes Organization: http://www.diabetes.caJDRF Canada: The discovery of Diabetes comesfrom a long line of people datingall the way back to 600 B.C. However,it could be narrowed down to Josephvon Mering and Oskar Minkowski, who in 1889, found that dogswhose pancreas was removeddeveloped all the signs and symptoms of diabetesand died shortly afterwards. Since their bodies are not able to produceinsulin, they need to get the right amount tokeep their blood sugar levels in a healthyrange.The only way to get insulin into thebody is by injection with a needle or with aninsulin pump. Treatments Insulin:Regular physical activityEat a healthy, balanced dietand stick to a diabetes mealplan Inheritance Diagnosis GLOSSARY Type 1 diabetes is a polygenic disease. Dependingon locus or combination of loci, it can be dominant,recessive, or somewhere in between. People are diagnosed when they have signsand symptoms of high blood sugar and their blood glucose level is over 200 mg/dL.They can also do a fasting test. In this test,you fast overnight before having your blood sugar tested. A value of less than 100 mg/dLis considered normal. A value of 100 mg/dL to125 mg/dL indicates pre-diabetes. Someone witha value of 126 mg/dL or a higher is diagnostic fordiabetes. Polygenic diease: A genetic disorder that iscaused by the combined action of more thanone gene.Autoimmunity: a condition characterized by aspecific humoral or cell-mediated immune respo-nse against the constituents of the body's own tissues (autoantigens); it may result in hypersensitivity reactions or, if severe, in auto-immune disease. Prognosis: Type 1 diabetes can be manageable withright treatment. People who manage theirdiabetes can live a healthy life. Chami H
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