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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Buddhism " Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. " - Buddah Buddhism is a religion known to be to 300-500 million people around the world. The word 'budhi' means to be 'awaken'.Because at the age of 35, Siddhartha Gotama was 'awaken' or 'enlightened'. Founded... Where is it practiced? Buddhism was founded by Buddah Shakyamuni, also known as Siddhartha Gotama.He was born into a royal family, there were many good predictions about his future.He found this religion by following a spirit into the forest and began to meditate, realizingwealth isn't happiness and will never guarantee it. Six years later, after meditating under the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya, India, he found his path, " The Middle Path"and was enlightened. He dedicated the rest of his life educating people about Buddhism and the principles of Dharma, giving 84,000 teachings.Siddhartha passed away at the age of 80. Buddhism is practiced in many different regions of the world. Some being, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, andsome European countries and USA. Core beliefs Core beliefs in Buddhism include, reincarnation, meaning, believingin the cycle of living, dying, and rebirth. There are three main beliefsa Buddhist lives by, to lead a moral life, to be mindfulor aware of thoughts and actions, and to develop wisdom and understanding.There are three practices as well, Sila, Samahdi, and Prajna.Sila means to have good virtues, conduct and mortality. Including the idea of equality, thatall living things are equal. With the another principle known as 'reciprocity' which is believing, what you do to others is how you're treating yourself, treat others how youwant to be treated. (The Golden Rule) Samahdi, means to concentrating, meditating, and mental development. By doing this one is mentally strengthening itself, maintaining good conduct, andpersonally freeing itself from all bad within. The last one, Prajna, can be defined as insight, or enlightenment.This is accepting that when your mind is calm and pure, wisdom will approach. Buddhist also have a set of commandments to follow, much like Christianity. The only variation is Christians must follow those principles. It is more of a test to see if the Buddhist will follow these rules, it is written no where to actually follow them. Some include not to steal, kill, lie, or drink alcohol, and accepting gold. The last set of mandatory practices involve a medley of all core beliefs, called the Eightfold path. Consisting of three sections also, being wisdom, virtue, and meditation.Under the wisdom section, one is agreeing to follow the Four Noble Truths ( believing suffering can occur, believing it is real, and there is no end to it) following the right path. Under the virtue branch, one is accepting the right of speech, the right of the Five Precepts, andthe right of livelihood. The last element, meditation, is believing effort, mindfulness, and concentration. Buddhism and Islam do share some similarities. Buddhism has Five Precepts, similarly Islam has Five Pillars of Islam. This is because Buddhism was spread and practiced in almost all the same countries as Islam.Therefore, Islam had some impact on Buddhism, for example, no consumption of alcohol. Celebrations Vesak, also known as 'Buddha Day' is a major celebration in Buddhism celebrating Buddha's birthday.This holiday is celebrated on the first full moon of May. It usually starts off in a temple, were foodofferings begin, later a monk gives a lecture about Dharma.The day consists of distributing food to the poor to gather merits (good deeds). Later groups of people circulate around a temple three times while chanting and meditating.Another holiday is Buddha Day. Buddha Day is celebrating the day Saddhartha was enlightened.Its is usually celebrated on the eighth of December. This holiday consists of prayer or meditation, and teachings from monks.However, this holiday is different than Vesak. Vesak, celebrates the day Saddhartha was born, while Buddha Day honors the dayhe was enlightened. Traditions include, bowing down when passing by a monk, bringing food to the temple,and placing your legs to the side when praying. Also it is best to speak to the monk in a formal tone.These traditions influence the followers by creating a respectable and approachable character for the Buddhist.Making them seem like friendly, and accepting people. Buddhism in America In 2004 there were a close estimate to one million Buddhist in America. Now there is almost double the amount. Buddhism has been present in Americasince the 19th century. It is the fourth largest religion in America, after Christianity,Islam, and Judaism. The largest amounts of Buddhism inAmerica have either immigrants or ethnic.
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