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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 FEDERALISTS VS ANTI-FEDERALISTS FEDERALISTS ANTI-FEDERALISTS The Federalists were the Constitution'ssupporters. They argued that the separationof powers and the checks and balances system protects the people. They did not want a Bill of Rights because they thought that the new constitution was sufficient because the people and states kept any power not given to the federal government. They supported a strong national government because too much power in the hands of the states would create another confederacy type of government. The Federalists believed thatthe Articles were too weak sothey wanted to completelyrewrite them. The Federalists wanted a large nation. Many were large landowners, bankers, and people who were wealthy, well educated, and unified by the desire fora powerful, centralized government. Examples are George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, and James Madison. They were in favor of an executive branch, pointing to the weakness ofthe Articles and their state governmentswith their nearly powerless executives,They thought America needed a President with executive powers, but could be checked bytwo other branches. The Anti-Federalists did not supportthe Constitution and worried that a strong national government would take away the liberties they fought for in theRevolutionary War. They demanded a Bill of Rights and said that one was necessary tosafeguard individual liberty. They supported a weak centralgovernment because they believedthat the national government createdby the Constitution was too strongand worried that a single executive would be too much like a king. The Anti-Federalists thought that the Articles just needed to be amended,not abandoned. The Anti-Federalists wanted a small nation. Many were farmers, debtors, peoplefrom rural areas, and other lowerclass people who were loyal to theirstate governments. Examples are James Winthrop, Patrick Henry, George Mason, Richard Henry Lee,and Roger Sherman. They did not want an executive branchbecause they thought that the President would have too much influenceover legislation through the veto powerand that his pardoning was dangerous.
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