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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The 5 Steps to Success: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Identify Goals,Objectives & Audience: Preparing for the Event: -Implementing a survey is the easiest, most effective, and most efficient way of gaining peoples perspective of the event. -This will identify the successes and failures of the event.-This is beneficial to improve future events. -From results you then brainstorm themes for the event-Through the themes, you then developed outcomes-This is a key step to making sure that the event holds its value.-This is where you need to identify who you want to feel the most impacted by the event-This benefits the event because it will help engage our intended audience in activies that interest them. -Arrive early to insure that everything is set up properly.-Make sure the audience is engaged.-Check with volunteers to confirm things are running steady.-Stay late to clean up -A challenge is having a back up plan in case of emergencies or sudden changes. -Creat a master plan of everything that needs to be done-This includes getting a venue, caterers, planning activities, getting supplies, etc...-Make sure you plan far enough in advance, so there is no last minute rush.-A challenge is being thorough to make sure you don't forget anything. Executing the event: Evaluation of the Event: Reasons for Events: -Gather information of our surrounding community. -Implement surveys/interviews-This benefits our goal of identifying our need for change.
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