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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 My carbon footprint Red is home energy 45.7%Grey is food diet 12.8%Green is driving 38.9%Yellow is recycling and waste 2.6% A carbon foot print is just our effect on the environment with the carbon that we use. How we can shrink our carbon foot prints: More efficient lights Ceiling fans instead of air conditioning Recycle My water footprint Red is water used in home/yard 39%Yellow is transportation/energy 1134% Green is diet 701%Grey is used for stuff 170% A water foot print is our effect on the environment with the amount of water that we use. How we can shrink our water foot prints: Take shorter showers Use a dishwasher Eat less meat My ecological footprint An ecological foot print is our effect on the environment with our everyday actions. Some ways of shrinking our ecological footprint are: vacation close to home close the refrigerator door wash cloths in cold water Red is food 12%Yellow is shelter 15%Green is mobility 8%Grey is goods 16%Blue is services 49% The U.S. accounts for more than 83% of the greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere. The U.S. accounts for more than 2842 m^3/yr to be considered waste water. Based on the carbon footprint calculator, my total greenhouse emmission of 27 tons ofCO2 eq/year is the same as the average American.(world average per person is 5.5 tons) In order to maintain my current lifestyle, I would need 4.5 planet Earths.This would equate to 20 global productive acres. I will make a more conscience effort to shrink my ecological footprint in order to help preserve Earth for future generations. Reflection
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