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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 INCA'STime: 1100-1533Religion: They had many festivals to celebrate the sun and their gods. They some- times had human sacrifices if war was not well. Government: It was monarchyand they had tax collectors AZTEC'STime: AD 1325-1521Religion: They were terrified of their gods and worshiped them every day. Priests were important in their life's.Government:They had city-states. There was an emperor. They had very strict law enforcement. You could only get out of punishment once if you told on yourself before someone else told on you MAYA'STime: 200 BCE - 900 CEReligion: Religion was the heart of everything they did. They were polytheistic. They were afraid of the demons in the underworld. Not a single woman could look through a mirror because they thought that the demons could yank you into it.Government: They had city-states. Only boys could be the nobles that were in charge. OHHHHHHH! I just took over the Aztec empire! The king will so proud! This is now the country of Spain Ya'll! I'm Awesome! Hernan Cortez is awesome! Do the happy dance, do the happy dance! The Mayan's made the most accurate calendar in the ancient world. Trade impacted the Inca civilization by if their crops were not well they could not trade very much, then the soldiers would not get feed. If the war was not well because the soldiers were famished they would sacrifice people to their gods. Religion impacted the culture of the Mayans by the women would not look in the mirror so that was how they acted. The Aztec's had swampy land so they could make medicine to heal sick people. The INCA'S had... The AZTEC's had... The MAYAN'S had... 1. They were terrified of their gods 2. They created floating gardens3. They had city-states. There was an emperor. They had very strict law enforcement. You could only get out of punishment once if you told on yourself before someone else told on you. 1. They were polytheistic2. They were taken over by Francisco Pizarro3. Machu Pichu is one Inca civilization not destroyed by the Spanish 1. They had city-states2. They had a very different ideal of beauty than America3. Women would not look into mirrors because they thought the demons would yank you into a different world Three reasons people thin the Mayan's may have disappeared from are:* Famine* Disease *Warfare I believe that disease happened because the bug that carry's a disease infects the Maize they heavily relied on. Also the disease was common there. They are similarbecause they all gotconquered by the Spanish
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