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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Coach Mrs. Metcalfkmetcal3@akron.k12.oh.usmetcalfenglish12.weebly.comELA 12: British Literature The weekly agenda, including in-class work & homework, will be posted on our Weebly page: in the appropriate units tab. WEEKLY AGENDA GOOGLE CLASSROOM& WEEBLY PAGE We will use a class Weebly page ( to house most of our resources.We will use Google Classroomfor our assignments. All taskswill be turned in either as ahard copy or in the GoogleClassroom. Unless you havespecific permission, no taskwill be accepted via email.All work must be completedand saved in your GoogleDrive. Plagiarism is passing off someone elses work as yourown or using someone elses words or work without givingthem credit. All work will contain a works cited page togive credit for information, words or images used; thisapplies even if there is only one source of information. This will be in APA format. The consequence for plagiarism is a zero with no chancefor a redo. ABSENCES! Due to the nature of a semester course our curriculum moves very fast. Missing one day of class is the equivalent to missingtwo in any other high school. Therefore it is imperative that you make up your work. Follow this link to submit a request for missing work: This request must be logged the date you return from an absence in order for you to be given your make-up work. PLAGIARISM Grades will be entered in the online grade book. Please check Home Access to see your grades. GRADING POLICY MASTERY ASSESSMENTS RESTORE 50% of the quarters grade is based on mastery essays & projects. The late penalty on a mastery assignment is no 2nd attempt.10% of your grade will be made up of Unit Quizzes.20% of the quarters grade is based on in-class/homework assignments. These assignments cannot be turned in late for credit. 20% of the quarters grade is based on one Independent Project. This will not be accepted late.The majority of assignments are worth 100 points. Deadlines are strict.. You can redo any Mastery Assessment on which you score below an 80% and that you have turned in on time.The late deadline for Mastery Assessments will be midnight of the day due. You will not be able to redo a late Mastery Assessment.Mastery Assessment Redos are to be submitted to the designated drop on the Google Classroom by 2pm 3 days after you received the graded rubric back. Redos will only be re-graded if the original rubric is turned back in to the blue drawers in the classroom by the same deadline.
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