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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 NERDS vs DOG SAXAPHONE TREATMENT Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. SNEAKERS GUITAR T-SHIRT SODA Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. PC | Introverted | Gaming Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. A branch of humanistic psychology that stresses a phenomenological approach, person-centered therapy was originally developed in the 1940s as a reaction against psychoanalytic thory. ABOUT Founder: Carl RogersCoFounder: Natalie Rogers Founder: Carl RogersCo-Founder: Natalie Rogers FOUNDER/S Clients actualize their potential forgrowth, wholeness,spontaneity, and innerdirectedness. It is not the therapist whoprimarily brings about change,but the client.The main source of successful psychotherapy is the client. The therapists attention to the clients frame of reference fostersthe clients utilization of inner and outer resources. Clients actualize their potential forgrowth, wholeness,spontaneity, and inner-directedness. It is not the therapist whoprimarily brings about change,but the client.The main source of successful psychotherapy is the client. The therapist’s attention to the client’s frame of reference fostersthe client’s utilization of inner and outer resources. MORE A branch of humanistic psychology that stresses a phenomenological approach, personcentered therapy was originallydeveloped in the 1940s as a reaction against psychoanalytic theory. A branch of humanistic psychology that stresses a phenomenological approach, person-centered therapy was originallydeveloped in the 1940s as a reaction against psychoanalytic theory. The approach is grounded on a positive view of humanity that sees the person as innatelystriving toward becoming fully functioning. The basic assumption is that it is the therapist’s attitudes and belief in the inner resources of the client that create the therapeuticclimate for growth. OVERVIEW The approach is grounded on a positive view of humanity that sees theperson as innatelystriving toward becoming fully functioning. It puts the client, not the therapist, at the center oftherapy. The approach is grounded on a positive view of humanity that sees theperson as innatelystriving toward becoming fully functioning. It puts the client, not the therapist, at the center oftherapy. PERSON-CENTERED
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