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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 39 are German 27 are Austrian 27 are Austrian 7 are Dutch 4 are Swiss 3 are British 2 are Belgian 2 are Italian 2 are Czech 1 is French 13 are of mixed origin Strongest growth markets beingChina (+15.4% YoY) and the Middle East (+8% YoY) 64.493.290 guests during 20132014 winter season 64.493.290 guests during 2013/2014 winter season 60.137.841 guests during 2014 summer season 60.137.841 guests during 2014 summer season Austria was a traditional summer destination. The year 2004 wasthe first year winter broughtequal numbers of tourists into the country top 3 reasons for winter holidays in Austria:skiingenjoying the snowrelax top 3 reasons for summer holidays in Austria:hiking climbingrelaxnature top 3 reasons for summer holidays in Austria:hiking/ climbingrelaxnature The average wellness touristspends 130% more than regular tourists Drivers of wellness tourism 38% of Austrian population is50 years and older 860.000 people over 15 yearsin Austria are obese. 43% of the male population and 29% of the female Austrians On a yearly basis, 78.000 people in Austriaare not able to work because of psychological diseases, which is an increase of 33% since 1991. This causes extra health spendings of EUR 7 billion per year. How the wellness industry profits The Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank facilitated loans at reduced rate of interest worthEUR 130 Mio. in the last four years.This resulted in investments of EUR 280 the health and wellness industry 20 Mio. overnight stays per year can be allocated to health tourism which represents 15% of all overnight staysin Austria The goal is to reach 20% Austria ranks among the top 5 nations worldwidefor international wellness tourism arrivals.After the USA and France, Austria takesthe third place with 5.7 million arrivalsAustria generates more international arrivalsthan domestic trips Out of 100 Tourists in Austria Out of 100 Tourists in Austria 34% stay in 5/4 star hotels 21% stay in 3 star hotels 8% stay in 2/1 star hotels 7% stay in commercial holiday homes 12% stay in private holiday homes 12% stay in other accommodation types 5% stay in privat accommodations EUR 539 Million invested by the national cable car federationIN 2014 ALONE The overnight stays in commercial holiday homesincreased by 2.2% YoY - only category to improve as compared to 1880 average temperature in Austria rose by 2°C weather ind