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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Charlotte Perkins Gilman "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Historical Context Purpose Modern Criticism Symbols Rhetorical Devices Point of View Gothic Elements Through the use of Gothic elements and rhetorical devices in her short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper," Charlotte Perkins Gilman attacks the ultimate control men had over women. Biography After the birth of her daughter, Gilman experienced severe depression and underwent Dr. Silas Weir Mitchells Rest Cure. Gilman specifically mentions Mitchellin the story, “[H]e shall send me toWeir Mitchell...But I don't want to gothere at all". She villifies the Rest Curefor the way in which it subjectswomen to men, infantilizing them.In fact, John refers to his wife, whois the narrator of the story, aslittle girl. Gretehen Lynn Greene states that,The woman trapped behind the yellowwallpaper is nearly a perfect metaphorfor...Gilman, connecting her angertoward her era's sluggishlyprogressing feminist movement to theslowly moving figure. The story takes place in an abandoned manse,includes a feeling of dread or unnamed fear,and depicts extreme emotions suffered by awoman in distress, who is controlled by astrong male figure. The wallpaper illuminates manymotifs of the story, including theidea of sexism and the subjugationof women. Gilman personifies the wallpaper,describing it as creep[ing] all over the house...[,]hovering..., skulking...,hiding..., lying in wait for me on thestairs. The story is written in first personas a journal told from the point ofview of John's wife, whoemphasizes her statements by usingnearly 100 exclamation points. After the birth of her daughter, Gilmanexperienced severe depression andunderwent Dr. Silas Weir MitchellsRest Cure. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally.
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