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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Function:Elimination of waste:1. Nitrogenous2. Toxins3. DrugsRegulation of Homeostasis:1. Water balance2. Electrolytes3. Blood Pressure4. Red blood pressure production5. Activation of Vitamin D6. Acid base balance in blood Urine Formation Process:1. Filtration: Non selective passive passageWater and solutes smaller than proteinsBlood cells cannot pass out of capillariesCollected in glomerular capsule leaves renal tubule2. Reabsorption: Peritubular capillaries reabsorb several materialsAbsorbs some water, glucose, Amino acids, ionsActive transport3. Secretion: Reabsorption in reverse Materials move peritubular capillaries, renal tubules, creatineneUreters: Smooth musclePeristalsis: series of involuntary, organized muscle contractionsUrinary Bladder:Storage for urineSmooth, collapsible, muscular sac stores urineUrethra:From bladder to outsideIt has two sphincters: Internal Urethral Sphincter(involuntary muscle contractions) and External Urethral Sphincter(voluntary muscle contraction) Kidneys:Location: RetroperitonealRegions of kidney:1. Renal cortex:2. Renal Medulla:3. Renal Pelvis: Structures:1. Medullary Pyramids:2. Renal Columns:3. Calyces:Nephrons: structural and functional unit of the kidneyGlomerulus: specialized capillary bedMaintains high pressureLarge and narrow afferent arteolieSimple squamous epitheliumRenal tubule: made up of Bowmans capsule, Proximal Convoluted Tubule, Loop of Henle, Distal Convoluted Tubule
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