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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Pharaohs are the rulers of Ancient Egypt. They were god kings. Pharaohs were on the top of the socialstructure. Even though thegovernment was a bureaucracy,the pharaoh had a larger sayin decisions. Ancient Egypt Pyramids are burial tombs for pharaohs. They house the mummy of the pharaohand the possessions he will bring to the afterlife. There are thief and robber deterrents as well. Some are granite slabs and fake tombs and passageways. Pyramids Pharaohs Mummification Mummification was an important process in the Egyptian burial. Its purpose was to preserve the body so the spirit could recognizeit and go on to the afterlife. The afterlife was very important tothe Egyptians. There were many steps to embalm and mummify the body. First they cleaned out the organs and put each organ in special containers called canopicjars. They then cleansed the cavityin the body with assorted spices. Next, they wrapped the body instrips of fine linen and secured it with a gum. The mummy was put in a sarcophagus with various possessions. Then it was brought to the tomb. The mummification process was very expensive and few people other than pharaohs got mummified. Religion Egyptians were polytheistic,meaning that they worshippedmore than one god. The godscontrolled everything. Temples and gifts were given to keep themhappy. Most gods were associatedwith animals since they sharedthe same qualities with specific animals. The Nile River The Nile River was a major influenceon Ancient Egyptian civilization. Egyptwas actually called the gift of the Nilebecause of it. It flooded yearly and left behind layers of fresh soil for farming.
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