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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 USA Watershed Impact Urban expansion is a major driving force altering local and regional hydrology and increasing non-point source pollution. To explore these environmental consequences of urbanization, land use change was forecast, and long-term runoff and pollution were assessed in the Muskegon River watershed, located on the eastern coast of Lake Michigan. The outcomes indicated the watershed would likely be subjected to impacts from urbanization on runoff and some types of pollution. Urbanization will slightly or considerably increase runoff volume, depending on the development rate, slightly increase nutrient losses in runoff, but significantly increase losses of oil and grease and certain heavy metals in runoff. The spatial variation of urbanization and its impact were also evaluated, the subwatershed scale and showed subwatersheds along the coast of the lake and close to cities would have runoff and nitrogen impact. Jamaica Watershed land use The agricultural status of the Fall River, in Jamaica is examined. The principal constraints which have hampered development are steeply sloping terrain, amounts of soil conservation measures and furthermore, cropping systems utilized by small, poor and often part-time farmers reflect short-term economic goals which are not necessarily environmentally sound. However, facts of technically and agronomically sensible solutions are in place and need to be mobilized urgently. Land Use & Management Phase 2 Residents can learn sustainable fishing practice to stop harvesting fish and shellfish's because it's polluting the water with agrochemicals which is creating harmful situations to the life there. Sustaniable Practices in Jamaica Sustainable Practices in th USA Reducing the use in fossil fuels around your neighborhood/ community, or city, which can help slow down global warming. Anotherway is LID an approach to land development that works with nature to manage storm water as close to its source as possible. By implementing LID principles and practices, water can be managed in a way that reduces the impact of built areas and promotes the natural movement of water within an ecosystem or watershed. Sources Created By: Bethel Chibesa, Leonard Taylor, Brittany Hargis
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