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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 GrassFed Cattle is Grass-Fed Cattle is Greener Greener It is highly debated whether grass-fed or grain-fed cattle is more environmentaly friendly. Let's look at some of the factors: Time it takes for cattle to get to market weight Time it takes for cattle to get to market weight 2 YEARS 1 YEAR Grass-fed cattle are fed grass, a natural diet. Grain-fed cattle are fed soy, corn, and antibiotics, an unnatural diet. Grass-Fed Grain-Fed It is thought that because grass-fed cattle have a slower growth rate, they produce more methane per pound of meat BUT this "fact" is offset by the overall benefitsof the entire pasture-based productionsystem. The greenhouse gases All cattle give off contriubte just as much emissions as car, planes and trains! How the real production system works: 1. All cows eat...A LOT 1. All cows eat...A LOT For the first six months,all calfs eat grass. After they reach 700 pounds:-Grass-fed cattle remain at the pasture to gain weight on grass-Soon-to-be grain-fed cattle aresold at auctions, to a feedlot. 2. Feedlots 2. Feedlots At feedlots, grain-fed cattle continue to eat...especially CORN 3. The Mistake 3. The Mistake ---Reminder: Grass-fed is still naturally consuming grass--- Unfortunately, cows are created to digest grass. can make grain-fed cows BLOAT with GAS CORN ---Reminder: Grass-fed is still naturally consuming grass--- Mistake: COWS ARE RUMINANTS cows create methane gas when they digest food Methane has 21 more climate-changing power than C02! ---Reminder: Pasture-based production systems only feed cows grass--- Summarize: more cow farts=more methane released Summarize: more cow farts=more methane released Thats NOT all Nitrous Oxide is in the fertilizer we use and has300 times the global warming effect of CO2. Americans use 17 billion poundsof fertilizer to grow feed for cattle. So let's think..... What feed uses more fertilizer? Grain-fed Grass-fed .vs. One study found that grain-fed beef required twice as many energy inputs as grass-fed Raising cattle on a pasture led to at least a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gases & Go green with grassfed! Go green with grass-fed! Sources: Benefits of Pasture-Based and Grassfed Farming. Animal Welfare Approved, n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2014. Gunnars, Kris. n.d. AuthorityNutrition. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.Lappe, Anna. Diet for a Hot Planet; The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About it. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010. Print. Profita, Cassandra. n.d. Oregon Public Broadcasting, 23 Oct. 2012. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.Robbins, John. n.d. Food Revolution Network, 19 Dec. 2012. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.
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