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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 PUBLIC HEALTH APPLICATONS BEST PRACTICES SOURCES DATA COLLECTION ELECTRONICS & PRIVACY Medical records have transitioned from being paper charts to electronic records to being available on mobile devices. The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) dictates who has access to your medical record, how to store it, and how it can be used. Health Informatics can manipulate this into data for researchers. Easy surveillance and comparisons helps public health workers know where to allot resources and how on the ground efforts can improve situations. For example, county level trends of obesity in women: Hoyt, R.E., Yoshihashi, A., & Bailey, N. (Eds.). (2012). Health informatics: Practical guide for healthcare and information technology professionals (5th ed.). Raleigh, N.C.: lulu.comInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluations. (2014). Data Visualizations. Retrieved from: Health Informatics TechnologyHelen Hill Data Information Knowledge "Field of information science that is concerned with the management of healthcare data and information through the application of computers and other technologies" Health informatics helps physicians and providers make clinical decisions. Disease and treatment research produces data that is synthesized to determine standards of care. These resources are quickly accessible to the provider via services like Uptodate or Epocrates. This helps doctors keep abreast of all the changes in guidelines and treatment since they graduated medical school. How does my doc know what is best for me? Data is the raw resource that is collected when research is done. Information comes when meaning is attached to the data that is collected. Knowledge is putting the information to universally accepted truths. Informatics is vital to transforming data into formats that can be used as knowledge. Where to look for more information
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