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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 England wanted the coloniststo buy their manufactured goods.So England made it illegal for thecolonist to manufacture goodsthat competed with English goodssuch as hats, nails, and horseshoes.English trade laws, called the Navigation Acts, listed goods thatthe colonists could sell only toEngland or its colonies. This included farm products such as sugar, tobacco, lumber, cotton, wool, and indigo. English Trade LawsThe English charged the colonistshigh shipping cost. England usedthe raw materials from the coloniststo make manufactured goods an exportthem to other countries for HUGE profits. English Trade Laws Colonial Economies The Triangular TradeShips on the triangular trade routessold products and picked up cargo at each stop. This came to be knownas the triangular trade because the routes formed triangles on the map. The triangular trade made many merchants rich, especially in theNew England Colonies. Using their wealth, merchants in Northern citiesbegan trading with the SouthernColonies, exchanging Northern fish , rum, and grain for Southern rice, tobacco, and indigo. SummaryEvery colony producesgoods to be exported.Every colony has a problem, and every colony has a solutionto each problem. New EnglandMost of New England`s soil wastoo rocky for farming. Many farmersthere grew fruits and vegetables forthemselves, not enough to export.New Englanders needed other waysto earn a living. The forests providedlumber for the ship building industry.Wood was cheap in New England, wherethere was a good supply of trees. Logswere cut and tossed into rivers wherethey floated to towns and shipyards.
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