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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Urinary System To secret, filtrate, and reabsorb nutrients to maintain homeostasis. Function: Structures: The urinary system consists of two kidneys,ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. Kidneys: Regulate blood pressure, blood volume,blood PH, and ionic composition of blood, production of red blood cells, and the excretion of waste productsand foreign objects Ureters: Transport urinefrom the renal pelvis in the kidneys to the bladder. Bladder: Storage facility for urine. Urethra: Passageway where urine is discharged from the body. Realtionships with other body systems: The adrenal glands secrete a chemical substancethat allows the kindeys to effectively regulate fluids in the body.This process is directlyrelated to the circulatory system. The urinary system cleanses the blood of waste, removes excess fluids, and keeps other fluids in balance. This is related to the circulatory, nervous, and musculoskeletal system byregulating the release of urine. When the bladder is full, the nervoussystem receives messages that it is time to urinate. The muscles in the bladder and urethra help us to store the urine until we can safety empty our system. Transport Mechanisms: Urine travels through the urinary tract which is a pathway that goes from the kidneys, to ureters, to the bladder, and finally through the urethra.This is all done through the process of peristalsis, the involuntary constriction and relaxation of muscles in the body. Peristalsis creates wave like movements and pushes the urine forewordin the system. Levels of organization: Atom-nitrogenMolucule-UreaCell-NephronTissue-Kidney TissueOrgan-KidneyOrgan System-The urinary systemOrganism-Human Histology: Bowman's Capsule- simple cuboidal epitheliumBladder and Ureters- Smooth Muscle and Transitional Epithelium
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