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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Why did war break out in 1914? Australia was a loyal member of the British Empire, so if Britain was at war, then Australia wasautomatically at war. So, what was Australiadoing fighting in a war that was 10,000 miles away thatclearly had nothing to do with it? So, why was Britain at war? Because Germanyinvaded Belgium. Britainhad a treaty with Belgium,promising to defendit if it was attacked. Was this the realreason for the war? No, it was the occasion for the beginning of the war, not the realreason. So, why did warcome in August 1914? Archduke Franz Ferdinandwas assassinated on June 28. This led to a series ofevents over the next fiveweeks that ended with Germany's action. Did the war come about because the Archduke was assassinated? What were these alliances? No, it was the because all the major powers werelinked to each other inalliances. This meant that if one of them went to war, the others would be dragged in. Britain, France and Russia were in the Triple Entente, while Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary were in the Triple Alliance. So, that's it, because of the alliances,the assassinationdragged everyone into the war? No, the various powers wererivals before 1914 because of tensions caused by economics,fear over each other's militarypower, and jealousy over theirempires around the world. Thisis why they formed defensivealliances. So, the tension and rivalry in Europe led to the creation of rival before1914 because of tensions caused by economics, fear overeach other's military power,and jealousy over theirempires around the world. Thisis why they formed alliances. So, the tension and rivalry in Europe led to the creationof rival alliances. Theassassination in June1914 led to these alliancesdragging all the powers into a war by early August.Germany's invasion of Belgiumled to Britain going to war. As a loyal member of the Empire,Australia was immediately atwar as well. Yes!
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