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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 India 2014 numbers Almost every year what it do for the people During June the easterly jet becomes firmly established at 150 to 100 millibars, an atmospheric pressure region typically occurring at elevations between 13,700 and 16,100 metres (45,000 and 53,000 feet). It reaches its greatest speed at its normal position to the south of the anticyclonic ridge, at about 15° N from China through India MONSOON double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text! Number of people who died 160000 people died You will need this there El Niño, meaning little boy in Spanish, is a weather system which re-emerges after a gap of about 3 to 5 years in the Pacific Ocean and lasts for about 12 months on an average. During this time the warming of sea surface temperatures take place, affecting wind patterns and thus possibly triggering both floods and droughts in different parts of the world. what is El Niño According to a media report, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggested increase in chances of an El Niño weather by over 50%, while the Australian Meteorological Bureau has put it at over 70%, further strengthening Skyrockets prediction of an El Niño year. Adding to the increasing confidence of an abnormally dry monsoon is the wildcard of the Indian Ocean Dipole. The positive phase of the IODan abnormal warming of the western Indian Ocean thats linked tobut not dependent on, El Niñocould help blunt the drying effect expected this year in India. The bad news is, the latest forecasts show it likely wont arrive until at least October, after the Indian monsoon has finished, if it arrives at all. Recent research has shown the IOD acts to modify the larger signal of El Niño when it comes to the Indian monsoon. Indias June-to-August rainfall is likely to be below average, thanks in part to El Niño. Resource think you for watching Rainfall: actual versus official forecasts
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