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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Propaganda in Times of War:patterns between WWI and ISIS WHAT NOW? From all of this we can say that what drives people the most is the way groups use appeal to make their cause or standseem intriguing and in a way mess with ones mentality causing them to forget the logical. In WW1 they applied the sameconcept; using propaganda to persuade people to join them. With this, the best way to apply what we learned is to refrainfrom enticement—we look through all the details before deciding to make a drastic decision. Not all things that may seemto promote good actually do, therefore putting much thought into our actions are a must. It may be hard and difficult to do,but its one step that could help us prevent history from repeating itself a third time around. WHAT NOW? 01 WWI and ISIS propaganda appealedto a sense of self fulfilment and identity 02 WWI and ISIS propaganda both encouragedindividuals to join armies and fight for a ‘bigger’ cause. 03 Propaganda, then and now, made people act on impulse and/or emotion With the rise of Social Darwinism, the conceptof nationalism meant to do everything for your country Acts of "herosim" to show your nationalism includekilling yourself, waging war against other countries(like Germany did), or committing genocide. This alsoincludes enlisting yourself in the army. The very concept of doing such for your countrymeant a sense of fulfilment and identity WWI ISIS typically preys on Western youth who are disillusioned and have no sense of purpose orbelonging, and offers them a chance to join agroup that gives them purpose and meaning Movements like "Jihad Cool" involves notions ofrevolution and adventure (presented through differentforms of media (especially rap videos), and first-hand accounts of the 'fun' Guerilla War. ISIS In WWI, many British, Russian and French soldiersdied to fight not just for their self-fulfillment or lovefor country, but to fight for peace and safetyin general (in their own little ways). From all of this, we can say that what drives people the most is the way groups use appeal to make their cause or standseem intriguing and in a way, messing with ones mentality causing them to forget the logical. In WW1 they applied the sameconcept; using propaganda to persuade people to join them. With this, the best way to apply what we learned is to refrainfrom enticement—we look through all the details before deciding to make a drastic decision. Not all things that may seemto promote good actually do, therefore putting much thought into our actions are a must. It may be hard and difficult to do,but it's one step that could help us prevent history from repeating itself a third time around. WWI ISIS This analysis also tells us that we should be more aware of the things and the events around us. It is important to first think ifwhat we plan to do really is right. One of the reasons why ISIS is becoming bigger and stronger is because the new recruitsdon't comprehend that what they're doing is wrong. In their eyes, it's cool, but they don't realize the harm they are causing toinnocent people. Also, it's important to know ALL the facts. Most of the new recruits don't seem to know much about Islam andso ISIS gives them this false reality that to serve one's country and help Islam, you will need to kill others, if not, you are notfulfilling your religious duties. With that being said, if we are all just more cautious and if we reflected more on our actions andour consequeces, these incidents will start to decrease in number. They gave their lives in the trenches in the seeminglyendless war amongst nations. They fought for thebigger cause, which was security in Europe (ultimately achieved by ending Germany's terror.) Women are drawn — or recruited — into vital supportroles through effective social-media campaigns thatpromise devout jihadist husbands, a home in a trueIslamic state and the opportunity to devote their livesto their religion and their God. Many women who join ISIS believe they are fighting fora bigger cause. They believe they are helping the worldbecome a better place in the eyes of their God. And they believe that they must complete their rolesin the universe. Propaganda during WWI was used to make individualsact on impulse, out of anger for the nations that killedtheir countrymen or to act for the sake of the rest oftheir countrymen.(Like that of the Sinking of theLuisitania.) WWI ISIS Recruiters (such as "Shaikh") looked for certain thingsin recruits-- "people who didn't know the religion asmuch," and converts, because, "converts would probablyhave problems with their parents at home, so they weremore likely to stay in our company." It made fighting for your country look like such a nobleand easy thing to do. A propaganda by France evencalled for the French to step on their enemy "cockroaches." This shows that recruits act out of impulse, eitherbecause of family situations (emotion) and ignorance. - - - - - -
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