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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The establishment of power at first leaves the boys feeling assured, responsible, and hopeful. However, the drive to attain and obligation to submit to power eventually turns the boys against each other, leaving power the focus point behind greed. Power is inevitably the reason for the destruction of the island andthe boys' sanity and humanity. Chapter One:Ralph counted. Im chief then (23). Ralph is established as chief of the island. The boys feel proud that they elected their own chief. Chapter 2Ill give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when hes speaking (Ralph, 33). The conch is established as a symbol of power. The boys, whether they realize it or not, associate the conch with power because it grants them authority to speak. Chapter 4(Jack) gave orders, sang, whistled, threw remarks at the silent Ralph (73). Jack is stepping up as a leader when Ralph fails to. He loves feeling the responsibility that Ralph usially has. This makes Ralph look like a poor leader. Chapter 5Now I say this and make it a rule, because Im chief: We wont have a fire anywhere but on the mountain. Ever (Ralph, 81). Ralph is stepping up as chiefin chapter five. He uses his authority to set rules straight on the island. Chapter 6Jack says, Its time some people knew theyve got to keep quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us (Jack, 102).Jack clearly is unhappy with his position in power, which is underneath Ralph. He wants to change the "structure" of government in order to give himself more power. Chapter 7Ralph "sighed, sensing the rising antagonism, understanding that this is how Jack felt as soon as he ceased to lead (118). Jack is allowed to lead the group of boys through the forest, which gives him a "power high." When he no longer leads, his temper flares. He craves power; Jack is only happy when he is in charge. These actions foreshadow that a change in power is approaching. Chapter 8“’Hands up, said Jack strongly, whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?’” (Jack, 127);at last, Jack directly challenges Ralph forhis power. After no one follows him, he leavesand creates his own tribe, finally in the position of full power. Chapter 9“’Im chief, said Ralph tremulously. And what about the fire? And Ive got the conch’” (150). Ralph tries to remind Jack of the power that once lay with the conch, but Jack tells Ralph that the conch doesnt count at this end of the island (150).The realization comes to Ralph that he is losing all of his authority to Jack;the conch is now more a symbol of desperation to remind Jack of Ralph'spower once. It does not work, however. Chapter 10The boys claim“’Hes a proper chief, isnt he?’ Hes going to take us hunting’” (159). The boys in Jack 's tribe believe he is a rightful leader because his main focus is hunting and meat. He has them brainwashed to think about hunting, killing, and violence. Chapter 11Then, to represent the finality of Ralph losing powercompletely to Jack, the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist (181). This is a critical point in the book; over and over, the conch was referenced as a gleaming, beautiful white powerful symbol, and shattering it is like shattering all of Ralphs remaining power. Chapter 12“’You dont know Roger. Hes a terror. And the chief- theyre both-‘ ‘-terrors-‘ ‘-only Roger-‘” (189), are the words of Samneric.Ralph thinks, what if he met the chief, or Roger who carried death in his hands?” (196). Here, it isconfirmed that Roger is also a powerful figure. Roger is powerful because he is feared; Jack and Roger, ontheir quest for power, have become ruthless and feared in order to have authority. They turn the island against Ralph, and the conch, and the peace that the island once lived in.
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