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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Deep, rapid breathing.Dry skin and mouth.Flushed face.Fruity breath odor.Nausea or vomiting; inability to keep down fluids.Stomach pain. Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms of type 2 Excessive thirst.Frequent or increased urination, especially at night.Excessive hunger.Fatigue.Blurry vision.Sores or cuts that won't heal. Preventing Type 2? Symptoms of type 1 Type 1 Type OneWhat is it?: A form of diabetesthat starts when the victim isage 0-30. The victim's pancreas produces little to noinsulin. *How is it treated?: When thevictim's blood pressure is toohigh, they need to inject them-selves with insulin. If their blood sugar is too low, theyneed to eat something with sugar in it. Type TwoWhat is it?: A form of dia-betes that is usually diagnosed after age 40.When somebody has it,their pancreas producesvery little insulin.How is it treated?: Peoplewho have type 2 can usethese things for treatment:diet control, exercise, self-monitoring of bloodglucose, and in some cases, oral drugs or insulin. *Insulin (in-sə-lən):a hormone producedin the pancreas thatfeeds a person's cellswith a sugar called glucose that the person eats. Differences:Type 1: Diagnosedat young age, notassociated withexcess body weight,treated with insulininjections.Type 2: Diagnosedat older age, oftenassociated withexcess body weight,treated with meds. -Stay at a healthy weight-Eat well-Be active. Risk Factors Diabetic Complications -Heart Disease-Eye Complications-Kidney Disease-Nerve Damage Fun Facts -About 1/3 of people withdiabetes don't know thatthey have it.-If you are at risk of type2 diabetes, moderateweight loss and moderatephysical activity can oftenprevent you from getting it.
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