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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TERRORISTS IN BALTIMORE Above is a map of the East Coast. We (Baltimore) are planning to evacuate to Delaware.As you can see, that is a very long way. WHERE WE ARE HEADED: THE EVACUATION: To evacuate, we will use all the buses in Baltimore (city bus and school bus) to get roughly 100,000 people out and up to Delaware. The buses will be driven by a volunteer. The driver will follow the regular main routes. If for some reason the main routes are blocked, drivers can take smaller roads to get out. Also, people can go by car if they choose. Limited planes will be available,so we recommend that people use the buses. PROBLEM: Terrorist have chosen Baltimore to attack because of our population, famous landmarks, and how close we are to the president. WHEN WE GET TO DELAWARE: Once Baltimore arrives in Delaware, they can stay with family members, hotels, cars, or if needed, outside. WHEN WE WILL RETURN: Baltimore can return to home when the terrorists are sure to be gone. If there is major destruction, we highly suggest that families find a better home maybe with relatives or friends.If a person does not have a place to go, we would suggest that they go to the nearest shelter. THE CLEAN UP The clean up can go just like a hurricane clean up. First, we will get all left over or broken wood, trash, and belongings and get them out of the way.Next, we will try and restore homes, furniture, and other belongings to the victims.
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