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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 double click to change this title text! The Memorial has a 60 ft. flag polewith the flag flying 24 hours a day The memorial was paidfor entirely by donations The six flag raisers were: Ira Hayes, FranklinSousley, John Bradley,Michael Strank, and Gene Gagnon The island of Iwo Jimais only two hours offlying to Japan makingit easy for pilots to make there bombing runs. Joe Rosenthal took the photograph of the afternoon flag raisingand inspired Felix de Weldonto make the life size sculpture American soldiers invaded Iwo Jimaon February 19,1945 The battle consisted of 60,000 American soldiers. Iwo Jima was capturedon March 26, 1945 The memorial is oneof the biggest bronze memorial ever cast,weighing over 100 tons Iwo Jima Memorial http://thedistrict.com http://www.aviewoncities.com http://www.iwojima.com The decision to construct the memorialwas made the same year the battle waswon The casting process took nearly three years The flag pole has 13 hands on it, 12 hands from six soldiers and one hand of God The Iwo Jima Memorialis located in Arlington,Virginia The base of the memorialis made out of roughSwedish granite All placed on a 10 foot base The island's locations was strategic dueto its close locationto Japan making iteasier to refill battleships, jetsand easier bombingruns The memorials base has the engraved words: In honor and in memory of the men of the United States Marine Corps who have given their lives to their country since November 10, 1775. All the major Marine Corps engagements since the founding of it in 1775, are inscribed on the base
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