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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ser diferente no es un problema, Problema es ser tratado diferente. EL CREATED BY Se presenta desde un punto de vista ético legal el tema de la discriminación de la población Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transexuales,Transgenero, Travestís e Intersexuales y sus implicaciones, con el objetivo de analizar la posible existencia de dicha discriminación por parte del personal de salud. Anderson, J., Baird, P., Davis, R., Ferreri, S., Knudtson, M., Koraym, A., Waters, V, & Williams, C. (2009). Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutrition Reviews, 67(4): 188-205. Introducción. Contenido. Normalizes bowel movements Find your fiber from sources such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts! Total Fiber per Serving (grams) K. Bowers C. Loar C. Sheehan Dietetic Interns Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Eastern Illinois University REFERENCES The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends 25-38 grams of fiber daily for adults 12.3 g 11.1 g 6.6 g SOURCES OF FIBER 4.3 g 0.8 g 7.9 g 1/2 cup wheat bran 2.0 g 2.9 g 1/2 cup white rice 1/2 cup Fiber One Cereal 3 cups popcorn 1/2 cup frozen peas 2 tablespoons flaxseeds 1/2 large pear 1/2 cup kidney beans Slavin, J. (2008). Position of the american dietetic assocation: health implications of dietary fiber. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108: 1716-1731. Harvard University Health Services (2004). Fiber content of foods in common portions. Retrieved from
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