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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Passion Doesn't Pay the Rent "Its like being in a band when everyone hits the chorus right at the same time there is a spark" "Having talent is part of it. The other half is having to do what I call the bullshit, which is selling yourself" "All of a sudden you see the light go on in the kids and they get excited about what they learned and they put it to use. Thats nice when that happens. " And now that the ball is rolling and picking up speed, I feel much better about the project and the reach that it will have when its finished. As I look back, I feel a real sense of pride over how much my practice has grown. This past month two brand managers that I had placed a few years ago called me say thanks for they met their husbands at their respective company and now each has a little baby to love. They both said that this all happened because of me. Talk about feeling good!” As I look back, I feel a real sense of pride over how much my practice has grown. This past month two brand managers that I had placed a few years ago called me say thanks for they met their husbands at their respective company and now each has a little baby to love. They both said that this all happened because of me. Talk about feeling good!” People flock to New York City by the thousands to chase dreams that sometimes feel just out of reach. And often they have to work other jobs along the way to make it happen. Here's a snapshot of some of the folks we've profiled here on Temporary NYC and how they're managing the balance between passion and paying the rent.
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