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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 GESTIONEM ELS NOSTRES DEURES!! What's Achievement Management? What's Achievement Management? Pla educatiu envers les tasques per fer a casa. Els deures han de servir als alumnes per aprendre a aprendre. Pensar i crear deures competents per dos dels àmbits de la llengua catalana (llegir i escriure)i obtenir així un recull ampli de recursos. PROPOSTA BUSINESS GOALS EVERYBODY has clear targets, aligned to business goals EVERYBODY has clear targets, aligned to business goals. Com? ACHIEVEMENT PLAN What's that? 10-20 Responsibilities ... each with 1-3 measurable targets Handle incoming phone-calls * Nobody waits longer than 30 secs * Boss always returns important calls same day E.g. Llegim a casa! Handle incoming phone-calls * Nobody waits longer than 30 secs * Boss always returns important calls same day E.g. Preparem un debat! Preparar-se la lectura a casa: - Lectura amb un/per un familiar un cop per setmana- Portar un resum a classe. Preparar a casa, de forma escrita, quins arguments a favor o en contra tenim sobre el tema que s'hagi escollit a classe entre tots + auto Job Evaluation - based on Responsibilities' impact on Profit, Customers, Colleagues, Systems How do we use it? I com ho gestionem? What changes? Insights, examples, free resources, contact details at Les Minions. Isabel Borrás, Marta Caparrós, Cristina Lara, Ariadna Leiva, Laura Masip. A-Plan generates: Identifying / removing barriers to achievement -> * Self-appraisal and review scoresheets = job evaluation x review scores * Employee Contribution results * Forms for online job applications Also used for: * In-house talent spotter * Applicant interview scoresheets Removes obstacles to achievement -> better solutions and processes,training, changed targets Before Now double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Talent Talent INNOVATION INNOVATION "I hope they think I'm OK." "I feel great!We did it!" double click to change this header text! ESCRIVIM LLEGIM
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