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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Sergey's Roadmap 2005-2013 June 2014 Oct. 20-24, 2014 Ipsum Worked at severalentry-level,low-paying jobs. Lorem First semester of BusinessInsurance ProgramExcited to start my studies and embark on a path to a promising career. Studies at Senecaapproved by SecondCareer Program. Motivation:* Meeting new people* Improving my standard of living September 2014 Getting familiar with Senecaand it services.Joined the Smiles program.Assisted by Counselling and Disabilities Services. * Juggling various tasks.* Studying using Library and Student Help Desk.* Getting first grades. My GPA predictions can be found here: * Focusing on my major courses.* Reflecting on my strengths and areas for improvement. Working on mytime managementand on enhancingmy academicperformance. Ministry of Training,Colleges and Universities Study Week:Reading a lot andstudying hardto prepare for the mid-terms that will follow. Working on andfinishing projects ofPrinciples and Practicesof Insurance andIntroduction toBusiness Administration Thinking aboutthe Winter 2015 semester -how I can apply thegained experienceto be successfulin the semester. * Dec. 1st - first exam.* Dec. 3rd - reviewing and amending my timetable for the Winter semester.* Submitting the final assignments.* Preparing for next week's final exams. Dec. 1-5, 2014 Education andcareer goals:* Determined to keep getting good grades and receive the diploma on my way to a successful career.* Expend my network and meet new people.
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