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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Garlic Mustard(Alliaria petiolata) Key Features-It is a herbaceous biennial plant growing from a deeply growing, thin, white taproot that is scented like horseradish. In the first year, plants appear as a rosette of green leaves close to the ground; these rosettes remain green through the winter and develop into mature flowering plants the following spring. Second year plants grow from 30100 cm (rarely to 130 cm) tall. The leaves are stalked, triangular to heart-shaped, 1015 cm long (of which about half being the petiole) and 59 cm broad, with a coarsely toothed margin. The flowers are produced in spring and summer in button-like clusters. Indigenous Range- Europe Current Distribution in the United States How the Species has destroyed the environment- Preferred Habitat- Garlic mustard thrives in shady habitats and spreads quickly along stream corridors. This plant invades moist forests, wooded stream banks, roadsides, and trail edges. It cannot tolerate extremely acidic soils. Garlic mustard is currently displacing native understory species in the forests of northeastern America and southern Canada. Native wildflowers include spring beauty, wild ginger, bloodrot, Dutchman's breeches, hepatica, toothwortsm, and trilliums. It displaces native herbaceous species within 10 years of establishment. Garlic mustard can invade undisturbed areas as well as disturbed areas. Method of Control- There are many methods currently used to try and remove garlic mustard. These include mechanical controls, chemical controls, and biological controls. Mechanical control: Garlic mustard can be pulled out by hand at or before the onset of flowering. The whole root must be removed because new plants can sprout from root fragments. After pulling, the soil must be thoroughly tamped to prevent soil disturbance, and bringing up seeds from the seed bank. Sources- . Chemical control: 1-2% active ingredient solution of glyphosoate can be applied to the foliage of individual plants, and dense patches during late fall or early spring when most native plants are dormant. The temperature should be above 50 degrees F, with no rain expected for 8 hours. Glyphosate is a non selective herbicide that will kill non target plants. Biological control: Research towards biological control are currently taking place at Cornell University. Ecological Restoration Improvements for elimination of the invasive species- Economical- If this mustard was eliminated cultivation could once again occur on the floodplains, and high quality woodlands that it affects. Socially- If this species was eliminated, the wildlife of the area would come back including birds and mammals. The environment would be much more aesthetically appealing. Politically- This species is currently being restricted by the government to be grown in states such as Minnesota.
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