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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] Changes in European Societies! Social systems! People began to see themselves as citizens of a country and became more willing to their allegiance to the monarchs. Citizens were more free to move out of their class, although serfdom continued for centuries in some parts of europe The growth and power of the modern states put them in competition with the authority of the church. Exploration of new lands promoted personal feelings of optimism and the importance of exploring all the possibilities that the world had to offer. Political and economic systems. Rulers headed strong central governments. They were very powerful, but limited by custom and the necessary support of their nobles. Government policies were set up to ensure political and economic independence. Permanent armies were established, paid for by taxes levied by the government Culture Common national languages unified the citizens. More middle and upper class people became literate and could read works in their own language. They became more concious of their societys history. National economic policies, such as trade rules and tax rules, controlled trade and business. How did the age of exploration Begin? Each had an Atlantic coastline, which put them in the best position to explore unkown parts of the world to the west. The monarchs of these countries financed overseas explorations, hoping to establish independent connections with the far east. The new ship designs, navigational tools, and navigational information they gathered enabled explorers to sail to the world and other far-off lands. Portugal In the early 1900s, portuguese sailors headed south and east along the western coast of Africa in hopes of finding a new route that would allow ships to sail around africa to india and China. They were so successful in finding new trading areas that Lisbon became Europe's new trade capital.
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