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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 CHILD DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY IN These days everyone is connected to some form of technology. It has now even taken a big place in our classrooms. Educators, has it ever crossed your mind how it is impacting your child? How is TECHNOLOGY affecting YOUR CHILD? =? + The use of technology is dramatically reducing the amount of time people spend speaking face-to-face, according to a recent study. 
Based on 1,000 responses, research conducted on behalf of communications provider Lumison found 68 percent of respondents said they have less face-to-face interaction than they did five years ago.
 Negative Effects of Technology for Children Inclined Exasperation - Declining Writing Skills- Deteriorated Patience- Lack of Physical Interactivity- Student Distraction- Costly- Academic Dependency- Lack of professional - development STAT: More 2-3 year olds can play a computer game (58%) than ride a bike (52%). The video above will prominently show the incline exasperation and declined patience within children when it comes to the use of technology. It also supports how children are exposed toinstant gratification in today's society.
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