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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Sodium, Chlorine, And Potassium The Three Functions Of Sodium The Three Functions Of Chlorine The Three Functions Of Potassium 1. Controls blood pressure and blood volume. 2. Helps muscles and nerves move properly.3.It is the water balance throughout the body. 1. Acts as a disinfectant and kills germs contained in our food. 2. It helps out the membrane potential. 3. It helps the body distribute the its fluids. 1. It helps cellular and electrical function. 2. Regulates the water balance. The acid base balance in blood and tissue. 3. Helps generate muscle concentrations and regulates the heart beat. The Four Sources Of Sodium, Chlorine, And Potassium The Four Sources Of Sodium The Four Sources of Chlorine The Four Sources Of Potassium 1. It naturally comes from food. 2. It is in salt, milk, beets, and celery. 3. It is also found in soy sauce, onion salt, garlic salt, and bouillon cubes. 4. It is also found in pressed meats, bacon, sausage, ham, canned soups, and vegetables. 1. Some sources are seaweed, rye, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, and olives. 2. The main ingredient of salt substitutes. 3. Found in salt.4. It is the salt in prepared foods. 1. Potassium is found in fruits such as bananas, apples, and raisins. 2. It is found in vegetables such as spinach. 3. It is also found in whole grains such as wheat gem. 4. They are also found in wide ranged foods such as any type of fish. You need 500 mg of Sodium per day.You need 2 quarts of Chlorine per day.You need 200 mg of Potassium per day. DEFICIENCY DISEASESodium: HyponatremiaChlorine: Chlorine Deficiency Potassium: Hypokalemia
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