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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 People spend more time each year online browsing the internet for all types of information. 55% Statistics from These 26% 10% 35% A Professional Social Network days everyone is connected to the internet through computers. Whether mobile phones, laptops or tablets people are consuming more internet bandwidth globally. zzz zzz Active Users Dormant Users 200 Countries & Territories Spread across 250000 500000 750000 1000000 1250000 1500000 1750000 2000000 2250000 2500000 2750000 3000000 1.5 Million LinkedIn Groups 3 Million LinkedIn Pages 300 Million Worldwide Users People spend more time each year online browsing the internet for all types of information. People spend more time each year online browsing the internet for all types of information. More than 35 Years of age 79% Demographics Ut egestas pellentesque orci nec blandit. Aenean consequat in diam id auctor. Nunc pulvinar eros viverra, sagittis metus nec, placerat elit. Maecenas sed nisl id nisl pretium venenatis. Ut iaculis dictum nisl eu fermentum. Nam a elit sem. Curabitur malesuada neque at diam egestas tincidunt. Donec placerat ipsum lacus, ac pellentesque nisl porta a. Ut sit amet egestas elit. Maecenas condimentum nulla posuere, congue nisl eu, cursus ex. Cras scelerisque, nulla in rutrum porttitor, justo arcu iaculis augue, ac ullamcorper massa est in enim. Pellentesque volutpat a lectus congue faucibus. Mauris tincidunt arcu magna, in dapibus quam semper a. Ut sit amet ullamcorper erat. People spend more time each year online browsing the internet for all types of information.People spend more time each year online browsing the internet for all types of information.
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