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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Job Aid - Creating the ideal L&D Function IndividualLevel OrganizationLevel Group Level Self-Reflection: Self-Reflection is the way to remove inner road-blocks, to first become aware of the things that really holding me back and then tackle them by finding a solution.User: all employeesSteps: Get into the right state and environment; Ask the right question; Be 100% truthful; Attain clarity: analyze the situation by writing and coming to a solution; Make a decision and commit to it; 1.Learning Community Online learning community Learners meet other learners on the online platform (i.e. Blog) Peer-to-peer learning Some of the learning in organization happens through interaction of users with each other (e.g. collaboration, mutual feedback) Gamification Game mechanics are used to incentivize learning progress (e.g. game-based learning in a group)User: L&D leadersSteps:Establish Operating Norms the ground rules make specific the abstract core values of facilitation and group effectiveness. (Schwarz, 2002, pp. 9). Foster an Environment of Trust - Build trust by explicitly and collaboratively defining the common values and behavior that will contribute to achieving the shared goals of the group.Create a Buddy System. By creating a "buddy system" whereby pairs or groups of learners are responsible for joint participation and contribution and keeps people engaged.2. Think-pair-shareThink-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy in which learners work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. Users: employeesSteps:Think individually about a topic or answer to a question;Share ideas with partner. Discussing an answer with a partner serves to maximize participation, focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material 1.The alignment of L&D expectations with outcomes The expectations of L&D need to be clearly identified and aligned with organizational vision. Also, L&D outcomes should be evaluated based on the expectations identified. For the alignment, employees can be encouraged to participate in the decision-making process. Users: All employeesQuestions to ask:What is shared vision of our organization?What are the goal and objectives of L&D in our organization? What outcomes of L&D does our organization expect to obtain?What methods are appropriate to evaluate L&D outcomes?2.Knowledge sharingFor learning at the organizational level, facilitate collective learning by helping employees share their knowledge. Users: L & D leadersSteps:Build two-way communication systems: [Example] Suggestion systems, Bulletin boards, Open meeting, or SNS (Twitter/Facebook)Create database that captures individuals knowledge and lessons learned: [Example] Intranet for knowledge sharing, Blogs, or Wikis 3. Supportive leadershipTop management, executives, and managers should support employees L&D.Users: employeesSteps:Embrace employees needs for L&D and create learning opportunities and training programs.Share information about the organization and changes in the organizational environment with employees.Coach and mentor employees.Search for opportunities to learn for themselves.Create a safe environment to learn based on trust and mutual respect.4.Organizational Policies Users: EmployeesSteps:Recognize people who take initiatives for L&D.Rewards people who are engaged in L&D for themselves and for the organization. Moonju Sung, Xumei Sun, Yue Yu, Wenying Zeng
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