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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ? ? ? ? How is the Housing Situation in Las Vegas Effecting the City How is the Housing Situation in Las Vegas Effecting the City? Occupied Housing 178 990 Vacant Stand-AloneHomes40 481 Vacant Townhouses 5 137 Vacant Condos 16 542 In 2007, the Great Recessionhit. This is in part because people were spending more money than they had. Enviromental Impacts Enviromental Impacts Wildlife in the Las Vegas are losing Habitat to new housing.This means that animals are dyingand their predators need to get food.Coyotes, for example, have attacked dogs and other small pets to eat them. Las Vegas turns this to this In 1960, Las Vegas covered 88 square kilometers.50 years later, in 2010, the city had expanded to 1 080 square kilometers. That is 992 more square kilometers! In 1960, Las Vegas covered 88 square kilometers.50 years later, in 2010, the city had expanded to 1 080 square kilometers. That is 992 more square kilometers! More than a quarter of all housing in Las Vegas is unoccupied More than a quarter of all housing in Las Vegas is unoccupied This means more than a quarter of Las Vegas city space has been stolen from the environment that is NOT being used This means more than a quarter of Las Vegas city space has been stolen from the environment that is NOT being used Yet the City is Building More and More Houses Yet the City is Building More and More Houses google images google images google images google images Economic Impacts Economic Impacts 1/4 houses in Las Vegas are empty Las Vegas spends tons of money on gambling alone, but Las Vegas also spends money on new houses.There are still other houses unoccupied, but people want new houses. It costs about 100000 dollars to build a house. This house is about 1065 square feet.That may not be very big, but having more and more housesin a brand new neighborhood is expensive, almost 500000 dollars. The problem is nobody is doing anything about this!People are spending money and destroying theenvironment without a care!
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