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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 4. Create the Trailer 1. Read the Book 2. Write the Script 5. Share Globally ANALYZE how visual and multimedia elementscontribute to the meaning, tone or beauty of a text. New Technologies have broadened and expanded the rolethat speaking and listening play in SHARING knowledge andhave tightened their link to other forms of communication. [See Notes on Range for this standard] Include MULTIMEDIAcomponents and visual displays in PRESENTATIONSto enhance the development of main idea or theme. contenidos A través de este modelo MODELO DE APLICACIÓN DE NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS EN LA EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA UNID TASQUEÑA. DIPLOMADO EN GESTIÓN DE CENTROS ESCOLARES Competenciasdigitales competencias digitales 3. Storyboard the Script Use TECHNOLOGY, including the internetto produce and publish writingand to interact and collaborate with others. image by Thyago-Sorg CC by 2.0 Los maestros debemos estar a la vanguardiade las competenciasdigitales para promover el aprendizaje autónomoy significativo Analyze 5.RL.7 Narrative - 5.W.3 Modelo educativo Presentation 5.SL.5 Diseñar plataformas educativas Collaboration 5.SL.1 UPLOAD EMBED TWEET T TIC´S Theme - 5.RL.2 Write a NARRATIVE to develop real or imaginedexperiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details and clear event sequences. constructivismo Temas globalización aprendizaje Determine central ideas or THEMES of a textand analyze their development: summarize the key supporting details and ideas. ELABORADO POR LORENA P. LUNA CORTÉS Y OSSIEL MÉNDEZ VARGAS Maximizar recursos digitales
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