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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 VHEMES vhemes = visual + themesstart by dragging a predesigned vheme onto the canvas OBJECTS drag and drop icons,shapes, text or upload your own from our extensive library of artwork your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] double click on textto edit or change TEXT Merry Christmas from the Easley-Walsh home! Wishing you all the best for a wonderful 2015! Megan and Stephen A few highlights from the year:- We converted our guest room into a library and our storage room into the guest room in January- We went antiquing and celebrated Megan's birthday- We visited the 1000th anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf and took part in Viking fun in April - We had a great trip to Wales in June and celebrated Stephen's birthdaySome of the places included Medieval castles, the Snowdonian mountains and a 4000 year-old Bronze mine- The circus came to our beach in June- In July, it was actually hot enough to enjoy sunny reading days at the beach. We also attended the Rose Festival and sawA Midsummer Night's Dream at the local castle- The autumn brought visits to the zoo and local farm, visits to the apple orchard and gardens and night sky viewing with our telescope- Voting- Irish local elections for us in the spring and US elections for Megan in November- In November we celebrated our 7th anniversary and Thanksgiving- We're looking forward to lots of Christmas fun! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Stephen continues to teach international students math and physicsand attended a math conference at the University of Manchester in June.He also became a certified ESL teacher this year.Megan continues to write and research. She also started her website this year and secured a publishing contract.Unfortunately, the publisher had financial difficulties, but her journey to publication somewhere else continues. We have both continued to take classes through Coursera as well and Megan is a lay reader at church. Town events that we participated in- St. Patrick's Parade- Welcoming 7 new swans in May to the pond- Traditional Music Festival in May- Lots of beach walks- Soundswaves festival in Septemberwith fireworks over the harbor- Visiting the seals at the harbor- Christmas tree lighting Remembering Aunt Patty(1964-2014)Always in our hearts Wales
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