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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 15-76% of women are targeted for physical and/or sexual violence Rape in the Context of Conflict Femicide Femicide Violence and Young Women 50% of sexual assaults worldwide are committed against girls under 16. "An estimated 150 million girls under the age of 18 suffered some form of sexual violence." Sexual Harassment in a Nutshell - Between 40 and 50 percent of women in European Union countries experience unwanted sexual advances, physical contact or other forms of sexual harassment at work.- Across Asia, studies in Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and South Korea show that 30% to 40% of women suffer workplace sexual harassment.- In Nairobi, 20 percent of women have been sexually harassed at work or school.- In the United States, 83 percent of girls aged 12 to 16 experienced some form of sexual harassment in public schools. How to Prevent Sexual Harassment How to Prevent Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment Source Submitted by:Emmanuel Quiachon, Jr.Lester Jason Cheng Ateneo de NagaUniversity HighSchool Between 15 and 76 percent of women are targeted for physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the available country data. Most of this violence takes place within intimate relationships, with many women reporting their husbands or partners as the perpetrator. Across the 28 States of the European Union, a little over one in five women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a partner. "Conservative estimates suggest that 20,000to 50,000 women were raped during the 1992 to1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while approximately 250,000 to 500,000 women and girls were targeted in the 1994 Rwandan genocide." "The first sexual experience of some 30% of women was forced.The percentage is even higher among those who were under 15 at the time of their sexual initiation, with up to 45 percent reporting that the experience was forced." In Guatemala, two women are murdered, on average, each day. In India, 8,093 cases of dowryrelated death were reported in 2007; an unknown number of murders of women and young girls were falsely labeled suicides or accidents. In Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa and the United States, between 40 and 70% of female murder victims were killed by their intimate partners. - In Guatemala, two women are murdered, on average, each day.- In India, 8,093 cases of dowry-related death were reported in 2007; an unknown number of murders of women and young girls were falsely labeled suicides or accidents.- In Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa and the United States, between 40 and 70% of female murder victims were killed by their intimate partners. Advances of this type must be unwelcome to be considered sexual harassment. Sexual attraction is a natural part of human biology and instincts often drive individuals to act on them. Draw the line in the sand and make it clear to the offending party that his advances and/or innuendo are not welcome. If his behavior persists despite the admonishment, especially to the point where it impedes your job functions, it is time to take action.
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